Sponsorship of Rainbow Foundation “BELIEVE IM-POSSIBLE” Anniversary Charity Walk 2020

Kitchen Infinity Corp. Ltd and Poggenpohl H.K. Ltd. are proud to be the  Diamond Sponsor and Double Diamond Sponsor of Rainbow Foundation’s Anniversary Charity Walk 2020 in 10 October. Theme of this year is called “BELIEVE IM-POSSIBLE”, which aims to help students from low-income families to experience self-challenge and believe I’m possible.

All proceeds ( after deducting a minimal portion of admin costs) will be used in organizing signature camps for deprived children and youth, to broaden their visions and build resilience.

Since establishment in June 2009, Rainbow Foundation, with core values of “Love of Life, Self-Respect and Care for Others”, has provided meaningful activities for over 300,000 underprivileged people, in partnership with 260 corporations, 1,300 social welfare and charitable institutions and 10,000 volunteers.  

Rainbow Foundation website